Correspondence in translation project
. . . I question not but your Translation will enrich our Tongue and do Honour to our Country: for I conclude of it already from those performances with which you have oblig’d the publick. . . . Excuse my impertinence in this particular, which proceeds from my zeal for your ease and happiness. The work wou’d cost you a great deal of time, and unless you undertake it will I am afraid never be executed by any other . . . .
— Joseph Addison to Alexander Pope,
Monday, 6 November 1713
[concerning Pope’s proposed translation of the Iliad];
EE letter ID: addijoOU0010280a1c
In keeping with Electronic Enlightenment’s determination to enrich, enhance and extend access to its extraordinary range of historical documents we have undertaken a modest translation programme, which includes providing, were possible, existing translations of letters in the EE collection as well as by working in collaboration with individual academic translators and with leading graduate translation programmes at universities in North America and Europe. The long-term goal is to transform letters addressed to specific historical figures into historical documents “addressing everyone” — or at least addressing as many people as possible by translating Latin into English, English into French, German into Spanish, &tc., &tc.
If you or your institution would like to participate in our Translation Program, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Robert V. McNamee
Director, Electronic Enlightenment
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
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