Lives listing by nationality: American
firstpreviouslisting lives 1–15 of 1399
- Abbott, Stephen (born 1749–died 1813), American hatter, army officer
- Abercrombie, James (born 1758–died 1841), American churchman
- Adams, Abigail [née Smith] (born 1744–died 1818), American First Lady, feminist, abolitionist
- Adams, Andrew (born 1736–died 1797), American [unknown occupation]
- Adams, Charles (born 1770–died 1800), American lawyer
- Adams, John (born 1735–died 1826), American founding father, president
- Adams, John Quincy (born 1767–died 1848), American president
- Adams, Samuel (born 1722–died 1803), American journalist, civil servant, politician
- Adams, Thomas (born c. 1757–died 1799), American journalist, printer
- Adams, Thomas Boylston (born 1772–died 1832), American [unknown occupation]
- Alden, Roger (born 1754–died 1836), American [unknown occupation]
- Alexander, Major-general William (born 1726–died 1783), American landowner, soldier, army officer
- All, Isaac (died c. 1789), American sea captain
- Allaire, Peter (born 1740–died 1820), American [unknown occupation]
- Allen, Jeremiah (died 1809), American merchant
firstpreviouslisting lives 1–15 of 1399
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