News-sheet — Winter 2014

I. Technical changes

Letter and Lives DOIs

Crossref logoThe Electronic Enlightenment Project is now a member of Crossref and we have generated Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for all of our letters, documents and people.

“In the Crossref system, each DOI is associated with a set of basic metadata and a URL pointer to the full text, so that it uniquely identifies the content item and provides a persistent link to its location on the internet.”

Crossref Fastfacts

On the pages you will find the DOI provided as a link so you can use them directly in your citation. E.g., for Voltaire's biography page:

Additionally, non-subscribers have access to biographical abstracts and letter metadata accessible using these same DOIs making it convenient to cite Electronic Enlightenment in your research. All the citation formats available using the citation icon (cite) have been updated to include the DOI.

II. Winter 2014 update — Correspondence

Now over 67,800 items of correspondence!

This winter’s major update extends EE’s Correspondence Edition from the beginning of the 17th Century to the beginning of the 20th Century. We are especially pleased to publish, interleaved in EE’s edition, materials from 5 major collections centered on:

This update publishes tranche 6 of the correspondence of Jacques Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre adding over 300 letters.

III. Winter 2014 update — Biographical Dictionary

Now over 8,300 correspondents!

This years’s major update has over 500 additions and revisions to EE’s Biographical Dictionary giving a total of 8,331 entries. The Project’s editorial team has worked hard to identify and provide biographical notes for hundreds of famous and not so famous people, from abolitionists and autobiographers to watchmakers and writers of memoirs.

We continue to work on the identification of unknown figures and to augment information about little known figures. You can help by sending any additional information or corrections to Electronic Enlightenment care of the Correspondence Editor.

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