Lives listing with initial: J
- James I, king of Great Britain and Ireland (born 1566–died 1625), Scottish monarch
- James II, king of Great Britain and Ireland (born 1633–died 1701), English monarch
- James, Lady Anne [née Goddard] (died 1798), English home-maker
- James, Charles (flourished 1803–1807), English lawyer
- James, John (died 1852), English lawyer
- James, W. (flourished c. 1809), English [unknown occupation]
- James, Sir William, 1st baronet (born 1722–died 1783), Welsh naval officer, East India Company official, politician, member of Parliament
- James Jackson, Geo. Kincaid Graham & Simpson John Nutt, Messieurs (active 1779), [unknown nationality] merchant
- Jameson, Mr — (flourished 1644), Scottish [unknown occupation]
- Jameson, David (born 1732–died 1793), American merchant, politician, state governor
- Jameson, Reverend Richard (born 1724–died 1796), Scottish churchman
- James River area, residents of the (appears in EE c. 1771), American merchant, landowner
- Janin de Combe-Blanche, Jean (born 1731–died 1799), French eye surgeon, physician, surgeon, ophthalmologist
- Janvier, Marie Anne [née Sédilot] (born c. 1694–died c. 1787), French home-maker
- Jaquett, Peter (born c. 1754–died 1834), American [unknown occupation]
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