Lives listing by occupation: lawyer
- Mareschal de Maisonneuve, M. — (flourished 1752–1762), French lawyer
- Mariette, Pierre (flourished 1762–1772), French lawyer
- Marriott, Sir James (born 1730–died 1803), English lawyer, judge, politician, member of Parliament, scholar
- Martel, Thomas de (born 1618/1619–died after 1679), French lawyer, surgeon
- Martinet, Jacques Frédéric (born 1713–died 1789), Swiss lawyer, civil servant
- Maseres, Francis (born 1731–died 1824), English lawyer, attorney general, judge, mathematician, historian
- Masham, Francis Cudworth (born 1686–died 1731), English lawyer
- Mason, Robert (born 1588/1589–died 1662), English diplomat, lawyer, judge
- Mason, Thomson (born 1733–died 1785), American lawyer, legal author
- Maton de La Varenne, Pierre Anne Louis de (born c. 1760–died 1816), French lawyer, writer
- May, Beat Ludwig von (born 1692–died 1758), Swiss judge, lawyer
- Maydwell, Cutts (flourished 1750), English lawyer
- Medley, Edward (flourished 1807–1809), English lawyer
- Melmoth, William [the elder] (born 1666–died 1743), English lawyer, author
- Merlin, Philippe Antoine (born 1754–died 1838), French politician, lawyer
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