Lives listing by occupation: author
- St John, Henry, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke (born 1678–died 1751), English politician, member of Parliament, diplomat, author
- St John de Crèvecœur, J. Hector (born 1735–died 1813), French farmer, author
- Stuart, Gilbert (born 1743–died 1786), Scottish author, historian, political author, political author
- Sturm, Johann Christoph (born 1635–died 1703), German author, theologian, mathematician, astronomer
- Sturz, Helfrich Peter (born 1736–died 1779), German diplomat, author
- Suard, Amélie [née Panckoucke] (born 1750–died 1830), French author, salon hostess
- Suard, Jean Baptiste Antoine (born 1732–died 1817), French journalist, academician, censor, civil servant, editor, author
- Sumarokov, Aleksandr Petrovich (born 1717–died 1777), Russian author, poet, playwright, journalist, editor
- Swift, Deane [the younger] (born 1707–died 1783), Irish author, biographer
- Swift, Jonathan (born 1667–died 1745), Irish author, poet, satirist
- Swinburne, Algernon Charles (born 1837–died 1909), English author, poet, playwright, novelist, critic
- Symonds, John (born 1730–died 1807), English author, historian
- Sympson, Richard [Jonathan Swift] (pseudonym/initials used c. 1726–c. 1727), Irish author, poet, satirist
- Tannevot, Alexandre (born 1692–died 1773), French author, playwright, poet, academician
- Targe, Jean Baptiste (born 1714–died 1788), French author, historian, clockmaker, mathematician, tradesman
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