Lives listing by occupation: author
- Formont, Jean Baptiste Nicolas (born 1694–died 1758), French author, poet, censor, civil servant
- Fouques Desfontaines, François Georges (born 1733–died 1825), French author, playwright
- Fox, Caroline (born 1767–died 1845), English diarist, author
- Fraguier, Claude François (born 1660–died 1728), French churchman, author, classicist, historian, theologian
- Frederick II, king of Prussia [the Great] (born 1712–died 1786), German monarch, soldier, author, musician
- Freke, William (born 1662–died 1744), English author, theologian, mystic
- Froidmont, Libert (born 1587–died 1653), Belgian author, theologian
- Furly, Benjamin (born 1636–died 1714), English merchant, author
- Füssli, Johann Heinrich [Henry Fuseli] (born 1741–died 1825), Swiss painter, author
- Füssli, Johann Heinrich (born 1745–died 1832), Swiss author, historian, politician
- Gaillard, Gabriel Henri (born 1726–died 1806), French author, historian, grammarian, journalist, academician
- Galiffe, Jacques Augustin (born 1776–died 1853), Swiss author, historian, banker
- Galley, Alexander (flourished 1759–1764), English editor, author
- Galloni d’Istria, Anna Laura Georgina [laterly Tardy; née Tighe] (born 1809–died 1880), Irish author, novelist
- Gamerra, Giovanni de (born 1743–died 1803), Italian author, poet, librettist
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