Lives listing by occupation: actor
- Lacy, Willoughby [the elder] (born 1749–died 1831), English actor, theatre manager
- Lamb, The Honourable George (born 1784–died 1834), English aristocrat, playwright, actor, politician, member of Parliament
- Lekain, Henri Louis (born 1729–died 1778), French actor
- Léris de Latude, Claire Josèphe Hippolyte [née Léris] (born 1723–died 1803), French actor
- Mathews, Charles (born 1776–died 1835), English actor
- Mauduit, Jean (born 1747–died 1827), French actor, author, civil servant
- Molé, François René (born 1734–died 1802), French actor
- Mole, Louis Francois [“Dalainville”] (born 1732–died 1801), French actor, theatre director
- Molé, Pierre Claudine Hélène [née Pinet] (born 1740–died 1782), French actor
- Murphy, Arthur (born 1727–died 1805), Irish lawyer, author, journalist, playwright, actor
- Néricault Destouches, Philippe (born 1680–died 1754), French actor, playwright, diplomat, academician
- Quinault, Jeanne Françoise (born 1699–died 1783), French actor
- Raymond, James Grant (born 1771–died 1817), Scottish actor, theatre manager
- Riccoboni, Luigi (born 1676–died 1753), French actor, theatre director, author
- Riccoboni, Marie Jeanne [née de Heurles Laboras de Mezières] (born 1713–died 1792), French author, novelist, actor
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