Lives listing by nationality: French
- Sorbière, Samuel (born 1615–died 1670), French physician, astronomer, tutor, academician, executor
- Soret, Jean (born 1710), French lawyer, newspaper editor
- Souchu de Rennefort, René (flourished 1774–1789), French lawyer
- Soulas, père Léonor Jean Christin, abbé d’Allainval (born c. 1700–died 1753), French churchman, author, playwright
- Soulavie, Jean Louis Giraud (born 1752–died 1813), French politician, revolutionary, diplomat, author
- Sourdeval, Claude Antoine François de (born 1729–died 1795), French naval official
- Spannut, Willem (born c. 1631), French physician
- Spon, Doctor Jacob (born 1647–died 1685), French Huguenot, physician, antiquarian, archaeologist, author, historian, travel-writer, historian
- Staal, Marguerite Jeanne de, baronne de Staal [née Cordier de Launay] (born 1684–died 1750), French author, writer of memoirs
- Staël, Anne Louise Germaine de, Baroness Staël von Holstein [née Necker] (born 1766–died 1817), French salon hostess, author
- St John, Mme Marie Claire, Viscountess Bolingbroke [née Des Champs de Marcilly] (born 1675–died 1750), French aristocrat
- St John de Crèvecœur, J. Hector (born 1735–died 1813), French farmer, author
- Suard, Amélie [née Panckoucke] (born 1750–died 1830), French author, salon hostess
- Suard, Jean Baptiste Antoine (born 1732–died 1817), French journalist, academician, censor, civil servant, editor, author
- Suberbie-Cazalet, Nicolas (flourished c. 1765), French lawyer, poet
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