Letter listing for 1840–1849
- Clara Mary Jane Clairmont to Major-general Tommaso Cini, 12 June 1847 [translation from Italian into English]
- Miss Sophie Beckedorff to Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 1st baronet of Slough and Lady Margaret Brodie Herschel [née Stewart], 29 June 1847 [an excerpt]
- Charles Gaulis Clairmont to Clara Mary Jane Clairmont, 29 June 1847
- Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 1st baronet of Slough to Caroline Lucretia Herschel, 11 July 1847
- Charles Gaulis Clairmont to Clara Mary Jane Clairmont, 22 September 1847
- Miss Sophie Beckedorff to Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 1st baronet of Slough and Lady Margaret Brodie Herschel [née Stewart], 2 December 1847 [an excerpt]
- Souvenirs du baron de Frénilly by Auguste François Faveau de Frénilly, Baron Faveau de Frénilly, before 1848
- Miss Sophie Beckedorff to Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 1st baronet of Slough and Lady Margaret Brodie Herschel [née Stewart], 6 January 1848
- Copy of the inventory of books, pictures, &c., in the sitting-room of No. 376 Braunschweiger Strass, Hanover by Caroline Lucretia Herschel, before 9 January 1848
- Epitaph von Miss Herschel, after 9 January 1848
- Epitaph of Miss Herschel, after 9 January 1848 [translation from German into English]
- Miss Sophie Beckedorff to Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 1st baronet of Slough and Lady Margaret Brodie Herschel [née Stewart], 10 January 1848
- Mrs — Knipping [née Herschel] to Sir John Frederick William Herschel, 1st baronet of Slough, 13 January 1848
- Anna Laura Georgina Galloni d’Istria [laterly Tardy; née Tighe] to Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley [née Godwin], 6 June 1848
- Charles Gaulis Clairmont to Clara Mary Jane Clairmont, 7 June 1848